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Meet Kyleigh

Kyleigh is an 11 year old that lives with Juvenile Arthritis & Crohn's Disease. Kyleigh advocates for herself and the other 300,000 children living in the United States with a form of Juvenile Arthritis. Kyleigh has made three trips to Washington D.C. since she was diagnosed at age 8 in order to participate in the Annual Arthritis Advocacy Summit. Kyleigh is also very active in her home state of Missouri. This year she has been working on the Biosimilar Legislation in Missouri. She has testified in the House and Senate hearings for this bill. The bill is now on it's way to the Governor's desk. Kyleigh is excited to be starting this website so that she can highlight the good works of other kids around the world who strive to make something positive out of their health challenges.

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